Thoughts Music and meditation Meditation was always sold to me as not having a thought in your head: not doing anything, completely be nothing, do nothing. I tried. I tried so many times to achieve that, but never came close to it for a second.
Depression Betrayed by logic How the hell do I calm the anxiety when it has solid, strong roots in reality.
Anxiety Keeping The Calm Before The Storm When your whole life feels like a never ending stormy weather.
Anxiety Is it really so much to just want hair? I don't want sympathy. "It's just hair," as I tell most people when I'm trying to explain it. But, it's more than that. This is something that has shaped me as a person since I first found out. Here's my hair loss story beginning to present.
Stress Work from Home, or Live at Work? Working from home may seem like a dream come true, but it comes with its own set of challenges -- and those challenges can severely impact your mental health.